View Profile PunchOrBePunched
"Conan, what is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, have them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."

Age 42, Male


Hard Knocks

Big Piney, WY

Joined on 6/1/05

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PunchOrBePunched's News

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - September 26th, 2008

Thinking about looking for background artist or artists.

Just to feel this out, I'm looking for a bar background. There is a rough, rough, rough layout in the image posted below.

Looking for something "painty".

Needs the bar, bar stools(except where the small dude is sitting), and back shelves with liquor bottles on them. Maybe a light fixture also above the 3 charactors.

The stage is 600 X 400, but I'd perfer to have a 50 pixel leeway on all sides. Other than that you have free reign.

I'll pay 15 greenbacks to the artist who produces a piece that works with what I got goin' up in my noggin.

I know 15 bucks ain't much, sorry, but it's better than doing EOW for free, and if it takes you 2 hours to make, that means you've made $7.50/hour, that's more than a dishwasher, and without the hassle of coming home and picking out chunks of burger from your hair!

Feel free to contact me for more information, I'll be happy to give it.
I perfer to do business through AIM (PunchOrBePunched) and Paypal.
I'm on around 10:00 PM Eastern time usually.


Posted by PunchOrBePunched - August 30th, 2008

JimmyTheSavage (12:47:06 AM): before i commit - which looks better...color or black outlines. OR do i just need to change the color outlines.....heres the pic
ATTENTION (12:47:46 AM): Transfer complete: test1.JPG.
PunchOrBePunched (12:48:06 AM): black
PunchOrBePunched (12:48:11 AM): but I'm biased
PunchOrBePunched (12:48:29 AM): I like my lines like I like my women
PunchOrBePunched (12:48:34 AM): thick and BLACK

Vietnam Madness

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - May 20th, 2008

/* */
(for BizarroJoe) edit: ¡PIM, PUM! ¡...en todos los cataplines!

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - May 2nd, 2008

So I've started the basic groundwork for an animation that I'll work more than 4 hours on.

I know what you're thinking. "Punch, how will you jack off if you are trying to make a decent animation?"
I'll just have to keep my sessions down to 30 minutes a day and stay flaccid in the down time.

Arch Stanton's Bad Day

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - December 10th, 2007

As of tomorrow afternoon I leave the great state of Wyoming.

I've had two years of fixing fence, moving cattle and finding a way to "almost" die...everyday.
See-you later Cottonwood Ranch, I'll never have to swing your god-damned 20 pound hammer again!

If you happen to want my (now) old job, the space will open back up around April.
It's hard work, but jam-packed with adventure, and you'll reside in the most beautiful countryside that the U.S.A has to offer.

Comment or PM me if you're interested, I'll hook you up. You better be fit and decently tough, because fencing on a 25 mile long ranch is 3 and a half months of hell.


Posted by PunchOrBePunched - December 5th, 2007

I'm haunted by the same dream.

Every night...

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - November 20th, 2007



Posted by PunchOrBePunched - November 14th, 2007

In response to Tom bringing up AlmightyHan's Comic Collab:
Comic Collab

I figured that I'd inform anybody that's interested in that subject that you can actually have your own comic printed for next to nothing, available for "Print on Demand" here at: Comixpress

They'll even keep the book in their online store for free, hey, they want your comic to sell, because they make money printing right? Since they only act as printer and distributer, copyrights remain yours.

I'll end this with a picture, like usual, of a comic I worked on for a bit, but, like usual, never got off of the ground:


Posted by PunchOrBePunched - November 7th, 2007

Posted by PunchOrBePunched - September 30th, 2007

That I am positive, I will never get off the ground past story boards and charactor design.

Current Project: