I found this animation to be tediously slow-paced, not very funny, and lacking in plot/storyline and actual animation.
I know you were shooting for a spooky aura, but I thought the dark color scheme actually detracted from the movie. It was hard to tell what was going on, mostly in the begining, this is a shame because the artwork in the movie was pretty good.
The pace was so slow it was unbearble though. I had time to walk away and fix a cup of coffee before the main charactor even started to speak (or text in this case).
I found the storyline to be broken up awkwardly, the scenes did not mesh up well. Nor was the dialouge very engaging or well planned/written. As a whole this animation seemed quite jumbled.
Even though you obviously spent alot of time on the scenery and art, there wasn't much actual animation, it panned out to be nothing more than a glorified slideshow in my opinion.
I didn't factor in the fact that I found the humor unfunny, because that is a personal thing, but I'm giving you a 4 outta 10 because I found it weak in all aspects except art. I believe your should work on your pacing and storyboarding a bit.