View Profile PunchOrBePunched

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Recent Movie Reviews

24 Movie Reviews

Well worth the wait

Been waiting for this since your trailer in 2005.

I loved the compliment between 3D and 2D effects. Extremely detailed art and backgrounds also.

Those animated explosions were brillant, and I can tell you've studied atomic bomb "youtube" videos or the like to give it a very realistic feel.

I can't wait for episode 2 (but will!).

Bravo, top-notch and high class.
Kudos to you good sir.


I found this animation to be tediously slow-paced, not very funny, and lacking in plot/storyline and actual animation.

I know you were shooting for a spooky aura, but I thought the dark color scheme actually detracted from the movie. It was hard to tell what was going on, mostly in the begining, this is a shame because the artwork in the movie was pretty good.

The pace was so slow it was unbearble though. I had time to walk away and fix a cup of coffee before the main charactor even started to speak (or text in this case).

I found the storyline to be broken up awkwardly, the scenes did not mesh up well. Nor was the dialouge very engaging or well planned/written. As a whole this animation seemed quite jumbled.

Even though you obviously spent alot of time on the scenery and art, there wasn't much actual animation, it panned out to be nothing more than a glorified slideshow in my opinion.

I didn't factor in the fact that I found the humor unfunny, because that is a personal thing, but I'm giving you a 4 outta 10 because I found it weak in all aspects except art. I believe your should work on your pacing and storyboarding a bit.


Big fan of this series.

I remember when the first one came out years ago! Love the dialouge (though it's not as good in my opinion, as the first 2), and it has a great "nior-esque" atmosphere.

Can't wait for the next one. Waiting with baited breath.

RedMongoose responds:

I'm gonna start working on the next one tommorow. you wont hold your breath for long

Recent Game Reviews

2 Game Reviews

Lot o' Fun

Win/Win situation. Even losing is fun!


Very unique concept.
I'll definitely play again every so often.

Recent Art Reviews

1 Art Review

Hips, Butt and Legs

You could cut off the top part of her body and just the lower half would be a work of art. It's absolutely amazing what you do with such simple designs Joe. The best is with this gallery feature, I can now view alot of your work easily in one place.

BizarroJoe responds:

My God, is that you...
Is that you for real...
Tell me I'm not dreaming, tell me you're for real, tell me you're back!!!

[NOTE: Although it may look exaggerated, BizarroJoe has his eyes wet at this moment. Believe it or not, but it's true.]

"Conan, what is best in life?" "To crush your enemies, have them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of the women."

Age 42, Male


Hard Knocks

Big Piney, WY

Joined on 6/1/05

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